EDTA remarks on the EU Action plan on synergies between civil, defence and space industries
EDTA remarks on the Action plan of the European Commission on synergies between civil, defence and space industries. EC reference COM(2021) 70 dated 22 February 2021 Download PDF The EDTA welcomes this important Communication of the European Commission on their Action plan to increase the synergies between civil, defence and space industries. It is well understood that this action plan is only applicable for programmes of the European Commission, but even within that scope, it is important to recognise the major differences between civil industry and defence-and-space industries Defence and space industries are strongly dependent on (national) government funding and operate in an environment that reflects this strong dependence. Civil industries however are driven by international market conditions, where entrepreneurship, opportunities and risks are the primary factors for success. In all realism, the Action plan does not seem to take these completely different environments as